Thursday, October 10, 2024


 We used the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram (as implemented by astropy) to search for periodic signals in each band of all 539 stars' light curves.
Each such light curve was analyzed in three ways:
    \item unmodified;
    \item detrended with a second-order polynomial;
    \item detrended with a fourth-order polynomial.
Objects that had a false-alarm probability of $10^{-5}$ or smaller\footnote{Details of how the threshold of $10^{-5}$ was chosen are given in the Appendix.} in any band under any detrending method were selected as `periodic candidates`.
Each periodic candidate was further analyzed by inspection of all periodograms and all folded light curves.
Whenever a clear `best` period was identified via this approach (often by looking for some consensus between bands and/or methods), we identified a period and flagged the object as a periodic variable.
\tsr{X number} of objects were thus identified as periodic variables.