. Luh-man note that “Young brown dwarfs are brightest at near-infraredwavelengths (1-2 microns)”. Luhman note that photometric andcolor-magnitude analysis are excellent ways to select brown dwarfcandidates, but spectroscopic followup is required to confirm thesecandidates as actual brown dwarfs. Luhman note that the surfacetemperature of young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs remainsroughly constant as they contract down the Hayashi track of theHertzsprung-Russell Diagram; because of this constant temperatureas a function of age, the masses of young objects can be reliablyinferred from their effective temperature and/or spectral type. Luh-man further notes that gravity-sensitive spectroscopic features in thespectra of brown dwarfs can be an indicator of age.
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